How to add NJC in my wallet?
Go to your wallet and add the contract of NJC : 0x8352c99b02ef931a25ef4ce6f417d889fd43b904 Network : polygon (Matic) Name : Ninja Coin Symbol : NJC Decimal : 18 (Checking your assets, if you see "+" symbol, please press it and post NJC contract address inside. If you want to use MetaMask, )
How to add NJC in my game?
When you use matemask wallet, 1) give permisson to access your NJC;2) change your transaction fee to high level (or more than the high level) 3) confirm it the tranaction; 4) if failed, please set your transaction fee higher than befor;
How to play Ninja's world game?
Open your wallet, check discover button, and post this link inside. play link:http://hotfix.ninjasworld.me/client/
How to play Ninja's world game through METAMASK?
1)using computer to connect your matamask wallet ; 2) adding network information as below: Network Name:Matic Mainnet New RPC URL:https://polygon-rpc.com Chain ID:137 Symbol:MATIC Block Explorer URL:https://explorer.matic.network/ 3) using your token wallet to give permisson 4) entering playing game link in the browser (game link:http://hotfix.ninjasworld.me/client/ ) if you have anyother questions, please check the Q&A list
How to create your own Guild?
Please entering your game, move to the guild button, click and enter inside, click the build button, your guild is established successfully
How to start the battle?
Tap into mainquest and start to your PVE game, guild battle will be start on 11:00am UTC.
How to change my name or profile in the game?
Checking your game avatar, you can edit your team name here.
Last updated