3️⃣NJC NJC-In-game Tokens


Contract address(Matic):https://polygonscan.com/token/0x8352c99b02ef931a25ef4ce6f417d889fd43b904 Contract address(BSC):https://bscscan.com/token/0x8352c99b02ef931a25ef4ce6f417d889fd43b904

Initial Qty Issued:1,000,000,000 NJC Additional issuance available


NJCs are consumed for Ninja upgrade (We do not recommend hoarding NJCs to vest other than NJWs)

For Ninja updrade (purchase exp. books and PvP exp. points, upgrade Ninja level and quality), train Ninjas (breeding).

How to get NJCs: PvE and PvP battels, daily tasks.

Initial price of NJCs

As the in-game token used mainly for upgrading Ninjas, NJCs are set at an initial price of 0.05.

Last updated